Set up: Deal 15 card decks to each player and lay 5 cards face up in the middle of the table, this will be The Field.
How to play: Players can only hold up to 5 cards from their deck at any time. You can use any of the 5 cards in your hand to build an equation that equals any of the number cards in The Field by using addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or division.
Once a player comes up with an equation, they must quickly place the cards down over the number in The Field, creating a new number to be used. That player then draws cards from their deck to hold 5 cards again. Continue getting rid of the cards in your deck by building equations. First player to get down to 1 or no cards wins!
There are 2 card types in the deck:
NUMBER CARDS: Use these cards to build equations
ACTION CARDS: Use these cards to help yourself or give another player a tougher time. Anyone can play an Action Card at any time!