Play with your partner (2 players) Take turns drawing from the deck. Follow the rules below based on which card type is drawn to determine who gets a point. First to 15 points wins!
- GUESS CARDS: Whoever drew the card reads the question out loud, then thinks of their answer to the question. Their partner has one try to correctly guess that answer or convince them that their guess is better in order to get a point.
- CHALLENGE CARDS: Whoever drew the card reads the challenge to their partner. Their partner can either successfully complete the challenge to get a point or choose not to do it.
Play with other couples (4-10 players) Each couple plays as a team but sit opposite of each other, splitting all couples into two separate sides. Each side takes turns drawing from the deck. Follow the rules below based on the card type drawn to determine which couples get a point. First to 12 points wins!
- GUESS CARDS: The side that drew the card reads the question out loud, then writes down their answer to the question. Their partners have one try to correctly guess that answer. All couples with matching answers get a point.
- CHALLENGE CARDS: The side that drew the card reads the challenge out loud. Everyone on the other side who wants to attempt the challenge must immediately raise their hand. Only the first person to raise their hand gets to attempt the challenge for a point. End the turn if no one raises their hand.